L'Esperienza giuridica

Legal Experience: two words that seem so simple but their reconciliation, invented by the author, is also decisive for the philosophy of existence and for the right itself, could summarize the infinitely fruitful and problematic contribution of Giuseppe Capograssi to the history of thought.
This volume of articles of his "mature" period (1935 to 1953), resulting from the changes that the individual and the world have suffered over the last century, offers a pathway into the thinking that Capograssi gave to everything that wars, technology, state transformation, led to the individual and the society to which he belongs: a way oriented to the cardinals points of the thought of the author - Vico and Rosmini - and through all the questions brought from the century to the philosophy of law. The contemporary reader can see at work an amazingly prophetic thought about man's relationship to the land, the need for a rigorous definition of human rights, on the impasses of a formal reduction and ultimately totalitarian law, on the links with war and the modern world, on the dangers of mass techniques making "humanity available", on the disturbing proliferation of law as immediate and changing subject to the opinion, on the ambiguity of the legal systems forgetting the principled relationship with the concrete life and its purpose.