Storia della Fotografia di Architettura

From Daguerre to Baldus, to Moholy-Nagy, Basilico, from Viollet-le-Duc to Mies van der Rohe, Le Corbusier, to Pagano, the first large and complex landscape of the photographic history of architecture, from its origins to today.
The relationship between photography and architecture is as old as the invention of photography itself. It is known that the first 'photographic' image of history, dating back to 1826 or 1827, represented just an architectural space: the view from a window of the family home of J.-N. Niépce. Over time this relationship has been developing and articulating and today the architects prefer photography to represent all the stages of the process of design and implementation. Pursuing a close interaction between text and images, Giovanni Fanelli reconstructs the evolution of architectural photography starting from its nineteenth-century conception, stretched between documentary and artistic instance, proto-professional and amateur production, up to the primary role that plays today.