Der Morgen der Welt

Geschichte der Renaissance
In a book with a majestic narrative scope, Bernd Roeck offers a fascinating overview of this era and clarifies how such a singular acceleration of ideas capable of setting the entire world in motion can occur in Europe. To bring to light the roots of the Renaissance, we go back to the Middle Ages and antiquity, ranging widely outside European borders, passing from the art that flourished under the sky of Italy and the ideals of the humanists, to the wars of religion and the beginnings of oppression in other parts of the world. The book tells of merchants and poets, emperors and popes, wise women and terrible men, and also of the powerful of that time and the humble people who, far from the palaces, struggled with hunger and disease. An era that with its innovations not only created places of beauty and spirituality to look at with nostalgia, but also laid the foundations of the modern world in which we still live.