La Rivolta dei migranti

The abuse of Asian workers in the oil-rich Gulf countries, the trafficking of undocumented latinos at the US border, the exploitation of African sans papiers in France and the attacks on Sub-Saharan farmhands by the mob in Italy. All these events show how migrants, especially those without legal documents, can be an easy target for violence and discrimination, often with impunity. At least, until they decide to fight back. In this original, accessible book, Vittorio Longhi, a journalist who specialises in international labour matters, describes an emerging phenomenon of social conflict, in which migrants are not conceived as passive victims of exploitation. Instead they are portrayed as conscious, vital social actors who are determined to organise and claim better rights. With a global perspective, The immigrant war highlights the 'struggle for human rights, citizenship and equality', in the context of a policy vacuum within the international community towards migration. He demonstrates how these emerging conflicts can break the chain of exploitation and contribute to rethinking failing migration policies and the role of migrants in contemporary societies. The book will be of interest to labour and migration specialists, students of social sciences, trade unionists and human rights activists, as well as a general readership interested in migration.
Vittorio Longhi is the Editor of the news and opinion website "Equal Times, News at Work". He specialises in international labour rights and policies and has held training courses for media professionals on behalf of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). He is also a contributor and blogger for the Italian daily La Repubblica and UK's The Guardian. He holds a Degree in Economic Sociology (University of Urbino, Italy) and a Masters in Society and the New Media (University of Leicester, UK).