Tommaso d'Aquino

There is no doubt that Thomas Aquinas represents one of the most important and influential thinkers of the entire history of Western thought (and not only within the Catholic tradition). However, after a great flowering of studies in the twentieth century, it lacks for many decades a philosophical updated profile that allows to have full access to his works and the most important themes of his reflection. The book has exactly the aim to fill this gap by offering to readers:
• an accurate reconstruction, in chronological order, of the structures and the circumstances of all the works of Thomas, including those traditionally considered as minor works;
• the presentation and discussion, for each work, of the most significant aspects from the philosophical point of view, with particular attention also to changes during the intellectual journey of Thomas;
• the identification of the main sources of Thomas during his career, from Aristotle to the Neo-Platonic tradition (Proclus, Pseudo-Dionysius, the Liber de causis) and that of the Arab philosophers (Avicenna and Averroes);
• an updated bibliography, with all the most recent interpretive perspectives at international level.
The volume thus offers a different approach to Thomas from the traditional systematic ones, contrasting the idea that there is a compact and well-defined "Thomist system" (as claimed by the Neo-thomists of the Twentieth century) and looking to comply with the liveliness and the intellectual curiosity characterizing the whole thought's experience of the Dominican master.